Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Tomorrow my baby had to get his first set of shots. Thankfully my husband was able to go with me, if it would have just been me it would have been harder to deal with as soon as the nurse came in I was able to let my husband be there with the baby and I could step back. I figured it would be hard enough hearing the baby cry I didn't need to actually see the needle and all too. As soon as he started to scream from the shots the tears started pouring out of my eyes, and did not stop until it was over. My poor lil man. Over all he has been in a fairly good mood though smiling still and cooing at me and daddy still. Sleeping a lot more though which is one of the side effects that can happen. So, I guess we got off pretty easy with it all. My baby boy is the best thing I have ever done.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

'Tis the Season.....

So, here we are we made it through Thanksgiving. Since Andrew is still so little and all we just hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year and did it pot luck style.=) My Mother-in-law did the turkey and my Sisters-in-law did sides and I did deserts=) all in all it was a success. But they comes the CRAZIEST sales all year!!! My wonderful Mother-in-law watched the baby so my husband and I could go out and load up on presents for everyone including our new son.=)
Tomorrow we have to take the baby in for his first shots. :( Not looking forward to it one bit. But I know it is for his own good. I am also thinking about getting a retail job for the rest of the season, however the big hiccup about this is finding day care for the baby. I can't wait till I can go back to school. I am looking forward to it but I know I am going to miss my son something terrible. However it will be very nice to have something to talk about other then his spit up and day time TV. I would not survive being a house wife. lol

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

One day at a time......

Well now my husband and myself are trying to get our little boy to sleep at a decent time at night but it is a trial and error type of thing. Last night we got him in bed by 10 pm but then he woke up before 6 am this morning. He did not want to go back to sleep until after 830 woke up at 1120 and has been up all day since. He has learned to take cat naps so now he take a cat nap here or a cat nap there and is up and feeding a lot more since he is awake all the time. So it is really hard to get ANYTHING done now. Is this normal or is this just my son? I am not losing my mind yet but it is getting close. Oh and the doctor has us giving him multi-vitamins and I don't think they settle in his tummy very well. Ever since we have started giving them to him he spits up a lot more now. I will get the hang of all of this eventually, really I will. Just gotta work through it all and find my way through it all.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

and counting.....

I really have the BEST job ever!!!! I really do love being a momma to my little baby boy!=) This morning he was in such a good mood all morning happy and smiles and giggles. :-D
Last night was not so easy though he slept 7 hours straight but getting him to sleep was the problem he just did not want to go to sleep. It was past 1:30 before he went to sleep, since I am home with him ever day and my husband has to wake up to get to work during the week, that means momma was on duty.  When it gets late like that and he won't settle down to go to sleep, weather he is in a good mood or bad mood I am already sleepy and there fore irritable.
I feel like I am being a bad mommy when I get frustrated with him. My husband tells me that it is normal we all get to that point, but my thoughts are he is little and he doesn't know how to tell me what he wants other then crying.  I am trying so hard to figure out what his different cries mean, but sometimes, espeicllay when I am tired, they all sound the same to me.  I love him so much and I worry about messing up everything all the time.
I helped my mom alot with my younger brothers when they were babies.  So, I thought I had a good idea of what having a baby was about.  I still feel like I had a good idea about it but now, having my own baby and knowing that this little life is relying on me and my husband for everything. That it is up to us to keep him healthy and safe and make sure he learns all the stuff he needs to know for life.  This can all be a little over whelming at times.
Just trying to take it all one day at a time.=)

Monday, November 14, 2011

7 Weeks Old

I am a new first time mom. I had my baby 7 weeks ago yesterday. I love him more then I can put into words and I LOVE being a mom. However, balancing the needs of a new baby, school and, going back to work, and spending quality time with my husband is a lot to take on.
Thankfully my baby boy does sleep fairly well at night so I am pretty well rested but, now with cold season here I am fighting a cold on top of everything else. My husband is really wonderful and as soon as he walks in the door at night he takes over baby duties so I can do my school work. But it is getting through the day with a sometimes wide awake and fussy baby that is hard to do.
My classes this semester are reasonably light since I had some what of an idea of what it was going to be like with a new baby at home. But I still find myself rushing to get assignments done in time. Work, is another issue that I really need to find the balance with, technically I have two jobs I work in a nursery at a church part time which is really easy the pay is okay and I can take my son with me to work, I am scared to right now though since he is so young, and hasn't gotten any shots yet, but the option is there.  My other job is I am a consultant for Pure Romance so getting parties booked and keeping in touch with my clients is something I have a hard time doing. With a baby.
When he is awake in the day and I am not feeding him or changing his diapers I want to play with him I don't want to waste that time on the phone or the computer. Especially days like today when he slept a full eight hours last night and woke up this morning so happy and actually giggling and laughing with a big smile on his face for the majority of the day.  Who wants to walk away from a happy baby, who it their right mind would?
Just getting back into the swing of things with a new baby is a balancing act. I know I will get there but it takes some work. I am finding my way through it all though.=)