Sunday, November 27, 2011

'Tis the Season.....

So, here we are we made it through Thanksgiving. Since Andrew is still so little and all we just hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year and did it pot luck style.=) My Mother-in-law did the turkey and my Sisters-in-law did sides and I did deserts=) all in all it was a success. But they comes the CRAZIEST sales all year!!! My wonderful Mother-in-law watched the baby so my husband and I could go out and load up on presents for everyone including our new son.=)
Tomorrow we have to take the baby in for his first shots. :( Not looking forward to it one bit. But I know it is for his own good. I am also thinking about getting a retail job for the rest of the season, however the big hiccup about this is finding day care for the baby. I can't wait till I can go back to school. I am looking forward to it but I know I am going to miss my son something terrible. However it will be very nice to have something to talk about other then his spit up and day time TV. I would not survive being a house wife. lol

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